Creative Team

Our Vision

The Creative Team exists to help deliver the good news of Jesus. In this generation, our media can become one of the first point of contact for those seeking a spiritual home. We desire to promote and display the beautiful wonders of God moving in Radiance, San Francisco, and the world through art, videos, graphics, and other mediums. Creative Team’s mission is to display the beauty of Christ to motivate people to want to know God and participate in His body. In practice, we use media to promote church events and promote our church community. Our main focuses are photography, videography, graphic design, and social media. However, anyone with ideas and a willingness to serve is welcome!

Creative Team Member
Create digital and media content such as videos and photography capturing church events.
Prepare slides and bulletins, set up media for Sunday mornings.
Social Media admin

Varies; Participation on Slack

Attend Radiance > 1 year
Regular CG attendance

Interested in Serving?


Ministry Leader

Peter Kwok